
The processMeerKAT software has been written to do calibration and imaging of MeerKAT interferometric data.

Typical calibration and imaging of radio data comprises three steps:

  • Initial or a priori calibration, which involves bootstrapping phase and flux gains from observations of reference calibrators.
  • Self-calibration or a posteriori’ calibration, where the residual on-target errors are solved for by (iteratively) building a good representation of the field.
  • 3rd Generation Calibration (3GC), aka post-selfcal, which deals with higher-order effects in the pursuit of high dynamic range imaging. This includes compensating for the primary beam and direction dependent effects.

The processMeerKAT currently does full-polarisation a priori and a posteriori’ calibration on MeerKAT data, and includes automated flagging. processMeerKAT is written solely for the processing of data on the ilifu SLURM cluster, but future revisions will allow you to run the software on any HPC platform.

The main features of processMeerKAT are as follows:

  • Is written in Python 3.8+ (for CASA 6.5+).
  • Calibration algorithms only use CASA 6.5+ tasks and helper functions.
  • Uses a purpose-built CASA Singularity container for parallel processing at IDIA (i.e. is fully thread-safe).
  • Uses casampi to run parallel jobs over the cluster.
  • Generates sbatch files and ancillary helper scripts for processing.

Please read the documentation to learn how to use the pipeline for your imaging data at IDIA.


An IEEE proceedings paper from the 2021 URSI GASS conference, is available under DOI: 10.23919/URSIGASS51995.2021.9560276 (a copy of the paper can also be found here). The pipeline can also be acknowledged as Collier, Sekhar, Frank, Taylor, et al. (in prep). The BibTeX citation of the proceedings paper is as follows:

  author={Collier, Jordan D. and Frank, Bradley and Sekhar, Srikrishna and Taylor, Andrew R.},
  booktitle={2021 XXXIVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS)}, 
  title={The IDIA PROCESSMEERKAT pipeline: Fast CASA Processing on a Cloud-Based HPC Cluster}, 


Copyright (C) 2022 Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy.

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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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