Parallel CASA Using SLURM at IDIA

Note: For details on how to setup SLURM batch and interactive jobs on the ilifu system, please look at the ilifu documentation.

This page deals with the specifics of using CASA in conjuction with the SLURM environment on the ilifu computing system.

SLURM is a resource and job management system that is available on many clusters. Jobs/tasks are typically submitted to the job management system, and are inserted into a job queue; the job is executed when the requested resources become available. SLURM is the job management and scheduling software used on the ilifu cluster.

While SLURM Clusters provide the option to request and reserve resources to work in an interactive mode, its preferred method is to submit jobs to the queue to be run in a non-interactive way.

To run a CASA script in a non-interactive way in the SLURM cluster, you would use the following steps.

  1. Write your CASA script.
  2. Write an associated SBATCH script for your job.
  3. Submit the script (i.e., your job) to the queue using sbatch.

Write your CASA Script

CASA scripts are written in Python. An entire pipeline can be written in such a script, that includes flagging, initial calibration and imaging.

It is important to note that different CASA tasks use different schemes for parallelism, when writing your script. For example, flagdata parallelises by scan and is thus RAM intensive; tclean splits up the input data to occupy as many processes as are specified, and is this CPU & RAM intensive.

Therefore, a single script that includes flagging and imaging could have sub-optimal usage of a cluster resources for some tasks, and optimal usage for others. Keep this in mind when writing your script. Here’s an example of a python script that calls tclean in CASA 6:

import os,sys
import casampi
from casatasks import tclean,casalog

imagename=vis + '.image'

tclean(vis=vis, imagename=imagename, imsize=[6144,6144], cell='1.5arcsec', gridder='wproject', wprojplanes=512, deconvolver='mfmfs', weighting='briggs',robust=-0.5, niter=50000, threshold=10e-6, nterms=2, pblimit=-1, parallel = True)

if os.path.exists(logfile):

Write your SBATCH Script

An SBATCH script is a bash script that wraps the relevant SLURM parameters needed for your script. Consult the following website for more details on how to use SBATCH:

Here’s an example of an SBATCH script that submits a tclean job for CASA 6:

#SBATCH --account=b05-pipelines-ag
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=32
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=232GB
#SBATCH --job-name=tclean
#SBATCH --output=logs/%x-%j.out
#SBATCH --error=logs/%x-%j.err
#SBATCH --partition=Main
#SBATCH --time=03:00:00

#Run the application:
module load openmpi/4.0.3
mpirun singularity exec /idia/software/containers/casa-6.simg python /path/to/

More details can be found in the ilifu documentation about using Singularity and parallel processing. Some other helpful resources include the resource allocation guide and the ilifu training.

There are a few important SBATCH parameters to define:

  • --nodes or -N specifies the node count, i.e., the nodes requested for the job.
  • --tasks-per-node specifies the number of parallel tasks to execute on each node.
  • --distribution or -m specifies the mode in which the tasks are distributed to each node.
    • This parameter is useful for scripts that include flagging. Since flagging is parallelised by scan, the first node(s) could run out of RAM for a particular flagging job. This would lead to SLURM killing the offending task(s), hence killing the main job.
    • There are two distribution modes that can be used to solve this problem. plane=X distributes X jobs at a time, in a round-robin fashion across nodes. The cyclic mode distributes single tasks at a time in a round-robin fashion across nodes.
    • plane=X or cyclic modes are useful for jobs that are RAM limited, i.e., when you need to use the aggregated RAM that’s in the total pool requested.

More about SLURM

SLURM is a workload manager that will distribute jobs across a specified cluster environment. It understands how to control message passing interface (MPI) jobs across multiple tasks (or nodes) via mpirun and for CASA 5, mpicasa. In principle this means that SLURM should be able to schedule and manage a CASA job that is running across a cluster.

Following is a “practical” definition of some SLURM keywords that should help clarify how to best to allocate resources.

task : A “task” by SLURM’s definition is what one would usually call a “process” on a regular computer. Similar to a process, a task has its own memory allocation that it does not share with other tasks. Each task is then operated on independently via MPI. This also means a more fine-grained parallelism can be employed per task, by using multiple threads (e.g. via OpenMP) to work on a single task.

–cpus-per-task : Defines the number of CPUs to dedicate to a single task. If each task can take advantage of multiple threads, setting this value to more than one can speed things up further (e.g., tclean in CASA is parallelised across OpenMP and MPI)

–mem-per-cpu : The RAM dedicated to each CPU in the node. Currently, the ilifu cluster is set to 3096 MB per CPU. If a job is running out of memory, setting this to a larger value can help. Alternatively, as mentioned above, if the task can take advantage of more threads, it may be preferable to set --cpus-per-task instead.

Notes on CASA Tasks and Parallelism

Running CASA through SLURM requires calling CASA via mpirun, or for CASA 5, mpicasa. CASA understands how to use mpi on tasks that are optimised for mpi (such as flagdata, tclean, setjy, and applycal) while operating as per usual on tasks that are not mpi aware (like gaincal). Ideally, the only change to an existing script would be to add a call to partition (or mstransform(createmms=True)) at the top. Below are some notes on tasks.

partition (basic): In order to run tasks (except tclean) across a cluster, the partition (or mstransform) task needs to be called prior to running any other tasks. partition creates a multi-measurement set (MMS) that is a collection of multiple sub-MSs, each of which will be operated upon as a task in SLURM. By default, CASA will split the MS across scans, and a spectral window (spw) axis, given by the default separationaxis='auto' parameter. However, this partitioning of data gives a data format that does not appear to perform well during processing. A better partitioning of the data is given by simply partitioning by scan, given by separationaxis='scan', numsubms=msmd.nscans()

mstransform (advanced): the mstransform task (called under the hood by partition) is better suited to partition an MS into an MMS, as it allows for more control via several additional parameters, such as averaging in time and frequency. For example, the following call averages by 8 frequency channels (from selected frequency range 880-1680 MHz) and 16 second integrations, as well as selecting only two (parallel-hand) correlations (controlled by one core each, given by nthreads=2), and no autocorrelations:

mstransform(vis=visname, outputvis=mvis, spw='*:880~1680MHz', createmms=True, datacolumn='DATA', chanaverage=True, chanbin=8, timeaverage=True, timebin='16s', separationaxis='scan', numsubms=msmd.nscans(), nthreads=2, antenna='*&', correlation='XX,YY')

tclean: In order to run across a cluster, parallel=True should be specified in tclean. However, if savemodel='modelcolumn' is also specified, it triggers some kind of a race condition between the different nodes where they are competing for write access, and the task crashes. So setting savemodel='virtual' or savemodel='none' are the only options that work when running tclean in parallel. Both the makePSF step and the major cycles of deconvolution are MPI and OpenMP aware, and can exploit additional resources specified via --cpus-per-task in the SLURM sbatch file.