

processMeerKAT implements a CASA-based wide-band full Stokes calibration pipeline (in the linear basis). Broadly, the pipeline aims to “do the right thing” and by keeping the steps as general as possible we believe that there should be no need for fine tuning in order to obtain a well calibrated dataset. The pipeline is implemented as a series of SLURM sbatch scripts that in turn call CASA scripts. The scripts are separated out to make optimal use of the cluster, by splitting out sections that can be run in parallel (via casampi and SLURM) and sections that must be run in serial.

New in Version 1.1 : The MeerKAT band can now be optionally separated out into multiple spectral windows (SPWs) which are processed in parallel. Each SPW is processed simultaneously (assuming there are a sufficient number of free nodes on the cluster) bringing down the total runtime to . The steps outlined below are run per-SPW. If this option is turned off, these steps are run over the entire band.

The logical steps are:

Input validation : This script performs a few basic validity checks, on the default config file, and on the input MS. The existence of the input MS, and the data types of the inputs specified in the config file are all verified before the pipeline continues to the next steps. If reference antenna calculation is not requested, a simple check is performed to verify that the input reference antenna exists in the MS. Otherwise, the following paragraph describes the details of reference antenna calculation.

Reference antenna calculation : If the calcrefant parameter in the config file is set to True, then this script is executed. It attempts to determine the reference antenna by selecting the antenna with the smallest number of flags.

Data partition : The input measurement set (MS) is partitioned into a multi-measurement set (MMS) using the CASA task partition.

This task splits up the main MS into smaller SUBMSs that are individual units of a larger logical MMS. The number of SUBMSs created is equal to the number of scans in the input MS. Partitioning the data in this manner allows for more efficient use of computation while using MPI. If multiple SPWs are specified in the config file, each SPW is partitioned and calibrated independently and concurrently.

Flagging (round 1) : The first of two rounds of pre-calibration flagging. If badfreqranges and badants are specified in the config file, the specified frequency ranges and antennas are flagged prior to any further flagging operations. These lists are also allowed to be empty. Following that the data are clipped a nominal level of 50 Jy to eliminate the strongest RFI. The tfcrop algorithm is run (with a conservative flagging threshold) independently on the primary and secondary calibrators and the target(s).

setjy : The setjy task is run on the specified primary calibrators, which writes the source model into the MS/MMS. Optionally if the --dopol option is specified, this script detects if either 3C286 or 3C138 is present in the data and includes the full Stokes model.

Parallel hand calibration : Standard delay, bandpass and gain calibration is run on the data. The time-dependent gain table contains solutions for both the primary and secondary calibrators. The fluxes are then bootstrapped from the primary to the secondary calibrator.

Flagging (round 2) : This time, both the tfcrop and rflag algorithms are run independently on the primary and secondary calibrator and the target(s). The rflag algorithm was not included in the first round of flagging because it is sensitive to changes in the bandpass shape. After calibration, the bandpass is much flatter allowing a median-filtering approach such as rflag to operate much more effectively. The thresholds are lower than the first round as the data is now calibrated, and therefore more well behaved. calibrated data.

Cross hand calibration : The cross-hand calibration (necessary for polarization observations) utilizes the unpolarized primary to solve for the leakages, and the polarization calibrator to solve for the XY phase. The pipeline uses the published full Stokes models as an input to solve for the XY phase. This approach requires only a single scan on the polarization calibrator. At the time of writing (April 2022) the standard polarization calibrators are all in the Northern hemisphere, and hence most MeerKAT observations are only able to have a single (or two) scans on the calibrator source, and our approach ensures sensible polarization results with such constraints.

Splitting out calibrated data : Finally each field in the MMS (whether calibrator or target) is split out and optionally averaged in time and frequency. If multiple SPWs are specified, this process is done per SPW. At this stage it is possible to either retain the data in an MMS or to convert it to an MS.

Concatenation (only multi-SPW) : If multiple SPWs are specified in the config, the split out MS/MMSs from each SPW are concatenated together. This final MS/MMS will internally have multiple SPWs.

Detailed description

What follows is a more detailed description of each of the steps described above, where applicable.

Partition* : During the partition stage, autocorrelations are excluded from the data in order to reduce data volume. Further, if --dopol is not specified, the cross-hand correlations (XY and YX) are also excluded from the data to reduce overall data volume.

Flagging (round 1) : If a list of bad frequency ranges and bad antennas is specified, those are flagged. Subsequently, flagdata is called on the calibrators and target sources with conservative limits to clip out the worst RFI. It also makes a single call to tfcrop to flag data at a limit. tfcrop in this case is preferred, since the as yet uncalibrated bandpass shape should be taken care of by fitting a piecewise polynomial across the band.

setjy : By default, the ‘Stevens-Reynolds 2016’ flux scale is used. If the primary calibrator J0408-6545 is present and is specified as the flux calibrator, a broadband Stokes I model is used via the manual mode of setjy. This model is courtesy SARAO.

Cross hand calibration : The full Stokes calibration procedure is done identically across each SPW specified in the config file.

The cross-hand calibration performs the following steps:

  • Bandpass calibration on the primary calibrator
  • Leakage calibration on the unpolarized primary calibrator (typically one of either J1939-6342 or J0408-6545)
  • Gain calibration (using gaintype=’T’ in CASA) on the primary, secondary and polarization calibrators
  • XY Phase calibration on the polarization calibrator

We opt to use gaintype=’T’ in the CASA gaincal task since it preserves the relative gains of the X & Y feeds. This is important because in the case of the secondary and polarization calibrators, the Stokes Q power of the source is retained in the difference of the XX and YY correlations, and correcting for each correlation independently without accounting for the source polarization will reduce the Stokes Q signal to 0 since any relative change between the two will be assumed to be due to instrumental effects.

While in principle during the setjy step we set the full Stokes model of the polarization calibrator, we find that the CASA gaincal task does not reliably pick this model up while calibrating with gaintype='G'. However the gaintype='XYf+QU' mode does recognize the input model and yields sensible XY phase solutions. Please note that after XY phase solutions the resulting calibration solutions could still contain an arbitrary polarization angle offset corresponding to a feed offset. This offset can be measured by generating cubes of the polarization calibrator, and any measured offsets can be corrected for in the image domain or by modifying the calibration tables directly. At this time the pipeline does not support either of these operations, and it will have to be done by the user after the pipeline has completed.